Are you new to TRX? Would you like to learn more about TRX? This TRX 101 video series will help you learn the fundamentals to get you started with your TRX workout program. You will learn:
Benefits of TRX
Different components of the TRX suspension trainer
How to set up your TRX suspension trainer on a door, wall or ceiling
How to adjust the straps on your TRX suspension trainer
Names and positioning for 6 basic TRX exercises
How to avoid the 6 TRX sins
Introduction to TRX
Components of the TRX
Setting up the TRX
Adjusting the TRX Straps
Basic TRX Exercises
6 Sins of TRX
Purchase a TRX Suspension Trainer and other TRX merchandise to get started on your TRX program. Use discount code TRX20CYNMOB to get 20% off your purchase.